


Kassabova, Anelia, Kristina Popova, Milena Angelova (eds.)​

Institutional Care in Europe in the 20th Century​

Balkanistic Forum

Issue 3

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Sándor, Judit

How Time Has Stopped Again – Hungary and Europe Twenty Years after the EU’s Big Bang Enlargement

The Review of Democracy

April, 2024

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Varju, Márton, Sándor, Judit

Needs over Rights: The Right to Health in State Socialist Hungary and Its Implementation

Pravni Zapisi

Vol.  XV. No 1.


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Kakuk, Péter, Sándor, Judit

Mapping the postwar legacies of eugenics in socialist countries: a conceptual history of eugenics in Hungary

Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy

16 June 2024

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Sándor, Judit, LÁszlófi, Viola

Women Facing the Committee: Decision-Making on Abortion in Postwar Hungary

Hungarian Historical Review 

Volume 12 Issue 3 


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Sándor, Judit

Legal Debates in Reproduction in Hungary

Festskrift till Elisabeth Rynning

eds: Moa Dahlin, Jameson Garland, Anna-Sara Lid, Anna Singer, Santa Slokenberga Uppsala

Iustus 319-331


Panova, Ivelina, Kassabova, Anelia, Popova, Kristina

The abandoned children of Bulgaria have no one.once there was no one to complain about them, and we were their parents".

Bulgarian Ethnology

Issue 2

247 – 258

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Gamza, Volodimir

The Problems of Medicine and Healthcare in the USSR after the Second World War on the Pages of the Soviet Specialized Press.

Bulgarian Ethnology

Issue 2

229 – 246

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Pires, Tiago

Pires, Tiago. 2023. Decolonization of Mental Health? The Early Days of an Ongoing Process from a Global Historical Perspective.

Bulgarian Ethnology

Issue 2

189 – 209

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Piskova, Mariyana

Archival Reading of the Visible and Invisible Images and Traces of (or about) Social Care and Health Care in Bulgaria in the Period 1945-1989.

Bulgarian Ethnology

Issue 2

170 – 188

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Anchova, Kalina

Poliomyelitis in Bulgaria - Epidemics and Health Policies (40s - 60s of the 20th Century).

Bulgarian Ethnology

Issue 2

151 – 169

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Daniela koleva, Ignat petrov

Socialist gerontology? Or gerontology during socialism? The Bulgarian case.

History of the Human Sciences

Issue 36(3-4)


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Anelia Kassabova, Daniela Koleva

Socialist Modernization: Institutions and Life Paths. Editorial.

Bulgarian Ethnology

Issue 1

5 – 10

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Mila Bankova

The "Modernization" of the Menstruating Female Body During the Period of State Socialism.

Bulgarian Ethnology

Issue 1

11 – 29

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Georgi Todorov

"Our Inmate won from TOTO-2". About the Life in Home № 8 for Children and Adolescents with Mental Disabilities in Sofia.

Bulgarian Ethnology

Issue 1 

30 – 47

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Radina Ilieva

Children's Health Camp in Bulgaria During the Socialist Period.

Bulgarian Ethnology

Issue 1

48 – 65

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Inxhi Brisku

Establishment and Operation of the First Elders' Care Institution in Albania.

Bulgarian Ethnology

Issue 1

66 – 82

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Ignat Petrov

Self-Assessments, Values and Mental Health of Elderly People from the Bulgarian Rural Population.

Bulgarian Ethnology

Issue 1 

83 – 100

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Anelia Kassabova, Sandra Maß

Kinder in Heimen. Editorial.

L’Homme. European Journal of Feminist History

Issue 34 (1)

7 – 18

Read publication

Kristina Popova

Geschlossene Einrichtungen und soziale Fürsorge für Mädchen in Bulgarien in der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts

L’Homme: European Journal of Feminist History

Issue 34 (1)

61 – 78

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Anelia Kassabova

The Bulgarian Socialist Reproductive Policies-Structures, Persons, Strategies

Balkanistic Forum

Issue 32 (1) 

145 – 164

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Sabine Hering, Anelia Kassabova

Erziehung zu ,Zucht und Ordnung'. Mädchenfürsorge in Deutschland (1871–1970)

L’Homme. European Journal of Feminist History

Issue 34 (1)

113 – 120

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Karina Noll

Doping und Kontrazeption. Physischer und psychischer Missbrauch bei adoleszenten Leistungssportler:innen in der DDR

Bachelor Thesis

Humboldt University Berlin

Supervised by Volker Hess

Georgi Todorov

Heiner Fangerau, Anke Dreier-Horning, Volker Hess, Karsten Laudien, Maike Rotzoll (Hrsg). Leid und Unrecht. Kinder und Jugendliche in Behindertenhilfe und Psychiatrie der BRD und DDR 1949 bis 1990. Köln, 2021.

Bulgarian Ethnology

Issue 1 

125 – 128

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Daniela Koleva

Dagmar Gramshammer-Hohl and Oana Hergenröther, eds

Foreign Countries of Old Age: East and Southeast European Perspectives on Aging

Aging Studies, vol. 19,
Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, 2021,
386 pp., €45 (paperback),
ISBN: 978-3-8376-4554-5. 
Aspasia. V. 16. Issue 1. 220 – 223.

Read publication

Kristina Popova

The Secret Children of the Border Area. Closed Institutions for Children with Disabilities in Blagoevgrad Region in the 1960-es

Balkanistic Forum
Issue 31(3)
163 – 190
Read publication

Jonathan D. Moreno, Judit Sándor & Ulf Schmidt

Autonomy and Social Responsibility: The Post-Pandemic Challenge in: Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 65 (3):426-441

Judit Sándor


The Cambridge Handbook of Information Technology, Life Sciences and Human Rights eds: Cambridge. Cambridge University Press 56-70

Judit Sándor

Le consentement à l’ acte médical en Hongrie, entre un choix délibéré et une condition purement formelle in: Amel Aouij Mrad, Brigitte Feuillet-Liger, Aurélien Rissel

Consent to medical intervention in Hungary: between a deliberate choice and a purely formal condition

Le consentement à l’ acte médical: Autonomie réelle ou fictive? Panorama international (2022) Bordeaux. LEH Édition 131-141. (in French)



Jonathan Moreno, Judit Sándor, Ulf Schmidt

The Vaccination Cold War

Hastings Centre Journal

Read publication

Fangerau, Heiner, Anke Dreier-Horning, Volker Hess, Karsten Laudien und Maike Rotzoll (eds.)

Leid und Unrecht. Kinder und Jugendliche in Behindertenhilfe und Psychiatrie der BRD und DDR 1949 bis 1990

Suffering and injustice. Children and Adolescents in Disability Assistance and Psychiatry in the FRG and GDR 1949 to 1990

Psychiatrie Verlag (Köln)

Laura Hottenrott

Arzneimittel und klinische Studien

Drugs and clinical trials

Leid und Unrecht. Kinder und Jugendliche in Behindertenhilfe und Psychiatrie der BRD und DDR 1949 bis 1990 [Suffering and injustice. Children and Adolescents in Disability Assistance and Psychiatry in the FRG and GDR 1949 to 1990]. Eds. Heiner Fangerau et al.) Psychiatrie Verlag (Köln), 216–268 

Lilla Vicsek, Judit Sándor and Zsófia Bauer

The Human Embryo: Mapping Patients’ Ethical Decisions

Intersections: East European Journal of Society and Politics

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David Orentlicher, Judit Sándor

Decisions at the End of Life

David Orentlicher and Tamara K. Hervey (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Health Law


Kate Docking

Gender, Recruitment and Medicine at Ravensbrück Concentration Camp, 1939–1942

German History

Anelia Kassabova

How the COVID-19 Pandemic Can Stimulate Interdisciplinary Scientific Research

Baeva, Vihra and Angelina Ilieva (Eds.): Ethnology and Epidemics. Sociocultural Dimensions of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Sofia: Prof. Marin Drinov Publishing House of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (in Bulgarian)

Read publication

Milena Angelova

Visionarity and Health: The Semashko Model and the Sovietization of Public Health in Bulgaria (1944–1951)

Balkanistic Forum (in Bulgarian)

Issue 30(3)


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Mincho Georgiev, Anelia Kassabova

Balkanistic Forum (in Bulgarian)

Issue 30(3)


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Daniela Koleva, Dagmar Gramshammer-Hohl and Oana Hergenröther. (Eds.)

Foreign Countries of Old Age: East and Southeast European Perspectives on Aging

Aging Studies, Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag In: Bulgarian Ethnology (in Bulgarian).

Read publication


Ulf Schmidt, Andreas Frewer, Dominique Sprumont eds.

Ethical Research: The Declaration of Helsinki—Past, Present and Future of Human Experimentation

(OUP, Oxford, New York) 


Judit Sándor

Health and Legal Policy in Hungary at the time of COVID-19 Pandemic

Medicine and Law 

Judit Sándor

Bioethics as a Tool for Extending the Human Rights Discourse

Tibor Várady, Miodrag Jovanović (eds.) Human Rights in the 21st Century (The Hague: Eleven) 

Judit Sándor

Rebalancing Human Rights at the Time of Covid-19 Pandemic

Pravni zapisi 

Ulf Schmidt, Dominique Sprumont; Andreas Frewer

Introduction: The Limits of Altruism

Schmidt, U., Frewer, A., Sprumont, D. (eds.), Ethical Research: The Declaration of Helsinki—Past, Present and Future of Human Experimentation (Oxford, New York, OUP).

Ulf Schmidt

In the Absence of Alternatives: The Origins and Success of the Helsinki Declaration, 1947-1982

Schmidt, U., Frewer, A., Sprumont, D. (eds.), Ethical Research: The Declaration of Helsinki—Past, Present and Future of Human Experimentation (Oxford, New York, OUP)

Ulf Schmidt, Markus Wahl

Doctors and Research Behind the Iron Curtain: Medical Ethics Debates and the Declaration of Helsinki in East Germany (1961-1989)

Schmidt, U., Frewer, A., Sprumont, D. (eds.), Ethical Research: The Declaration of Helsinki—Past, Present and Future of Human Experimentation (Oxford, New York, OUP)

Dominique Sprumont, Ulf Schmidt, Andreas Frewer

Some Reflections on Research Ethics

Schmidt, U., Frewer, A., Sprumont, D. (eds.), Ethical Research: The Declaration of Helsinki—Past, Present and Future of Human Experimentation (Oxford, New York, OUP)

Ulf Schmidt

Chronopoiesis – The Making of Time

McGrath, D., Project Cleansweep – Beyond the Post-Military Landscape of the United Kingdom, stand-alone essay (Kehrer Verlag)


Volker Hess

Klinische Psychopharmakaforschung im Auftrag westlicher Pharmaindustrie in der DDR, 1960–1990

Clinical psychopharmaceutical research on behalf of Western pharmaceutical industry in the GDR, 1960-1990

Psychiatrie in der DDR. Beiträge zur Geschichte 2 [Psychiatry in the GDR. Historical studies]. Ekkehardt Kumbier und Kathleen Haack. be.bra Wissenschaftsverlag: Berlin 

Alexa Geisthövel

Die Reform der «Psychopathie». Forensisch-psychiatrische Begutachtung im geteilten Berlin, 1960–1980

The reform of „psychopathy“. Forensic psychiatric assessment in divided Berlin, 1960-1980

Gesnerus, 244–278

Kristina Popova

The “Curative-Protective Hospital Regime” Concept in the Medical and Nursing Practice of 1950s USSR

European Journal for Nursing History and Ethics

DOI: 10.25974/enhe2020-4en  

Read publication


Judit Sándor

The Challenge of Genetics, Human Rights on the Molecular Level?

The Cambridge Handbook of New Human Rights. Cambridge University Press  

Alexa Geisthövel, Marcel Streng

All you can treat: Therapeutisierungsprozesse im 20. Jahrhundert

All you can treat: Therapeutization processes in the 20the century

Historische Anthropologie, 296-309

Daniela Koleva (ed.)

Age(ing) under Socialism: Generations in Family and Society

Sofia: Riva/CAS (in Bulgarian)

Daniela Koleva

Dagmar Gramshammer-Hohl and Oana Hergenröther, eds

Foreign Countries of Old Age: East and Southeast European Perspectives on Aging

Aging Studies, vol. 19,
Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, 2021,
386 pp., €45 (paperback),
ISBN: 978-3-8376-4554-5. 
Aspasia. V. 16. Issue 1. 220 – 223.

Read publication

Kristina Popova

The Secret Children of the Border Area. Closed Institutions for Children with Disabilities in Blagoevgrad Region in the 1960-es

Balkanistic Forum
Issues 3
163 – 190
Read publication

Jonathan D. Moreno, Judit Sándor & Ulf Schmidt

Autonomy and Social Responsibility: The Post-Pandemic Challenge in: Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 65 (3):426-441

Judit Sándor


The Cambridge Handbook of Information Technology, Life Sciences and Human Rights eds: Cambridge. Cambridge University Press 56-70

Judit Sándor

Le consentement à l’ acte médical en Hongrie, entre un choix délibéré et une condition purement formelle in: Amel Aouij Mrad, Brigitte Feuillet-Liger, Aurélien Rissel

Consent to medical intervention in Hungary: between a deliberate choice and a purely formal condition

Le consentement à l’ acte médical: Autonomie réelle ou fictive? Panorama international (2022) Bordeaux. LEH Édition 131-141. (in French)