

11 October 2019

The research group with the participation of Judit Sandor (professor at CEU), won the

competition of the European Research Council

Article in Magyar Narancs (Hungary weekly)

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11 October 2019

Judit Sandor (author of Quibit) and won almost 10 million Euros in the most

prestigious European Research Competition (in Hungarian)

Article in QUBIT (on-line science journal)

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10 October 2019

Professor Judit Sandor Receives Prestigious ERC Synergy Grant

Announcement by RUIB

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31 August 2020 

Ulf Schmidt

Historiker baut Zentrum zur Werte- und Gesundheitsgeschichte auf

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29 October 2020 

Ulf Schmidt

Kent Historian wins €10 million grant to study the European ‘common good’  

28 October 2020


„The European Leviathan“ and the legacy of postwar medicine

Interview in the Bulgarian National Radio

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19 October 2020 

Anelia Kassabova

The European Leviathan

Az-buki, Issue 43

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13 May 2020 

AnelIa Kassabova

Wie COVID-19 die Geschichtsschreibung stimuliert:

Die Wiederentdeckung einer medizinischen Tradition in Bulgarien

OstBlog Spezial

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22 October 2020 

Florin Zubașcu in interview with Judit Sandor and Anelia Kassabova

How to attract more ERC 10M grants in Eastern Europe

Science and Business

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10 November 2020

what makes us europeans

25 May 2022

Interview of Zina Sokolova with Anelia Kassabova, Kristina Popova and Daniela Koleva

Histories of the Past through the Lens of Medicine

Az-Buki, 20, 2022. 19.05.

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March 2023

Martina Bozukova and Daniela Koleva

Български иновации в търговията с хипофизни жлези преди демонтажа на желязната завеса 

Публични политики, 4 /2/, March 2023

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31 March 2023

Martina Bozukova and Daniela Koleva

The Bulgarian footprint in the pituitary gland trade through the Iron Curtain

Mediapool, March 2023

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4 April 2023

Mila Maeva

How did the medicine develop on both sides of the Iron Curtain?

Interview for Bulgarian National Radio


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25 June 2024


International Conference “Transformations in Postwar Europe: Medicine, Bodies and Technologies”, 27-30 May 2024, Sofia

Interview by Zina Nikolova

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21 October 2020 

Anelia Kassabova

The ERC project

„The European Leviathan“

Interview in „Point of View“, TV Skat