Pravni Zapisi
Vol. XV. No. 3.
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Vol. 28, no. 2–3
December, 2024
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Festskrift till Elisabeth Rynning
eds: Moa Dahlin, Jameson Garland, Anna-Sara Lid, Anna Singer, Santa Slokenberga Uppsala
Iustus 319-331
Bachelor Thesis
Humboldt University Berlin
Supervised by Volker Hess
Aging Studies, vol. 19,
Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, 2021,
386 pp., €45 (paperback),
ISBN: 978-3-8376-4554-5.
Aspasia. V. 16. Issue 1. 220 – 223.
Balkanistic Forum
Issue 31(3)
163 – 190
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The Cambridge Handbook of Information Technology, Life Sciences and Human Rights eds: Cambridge. Cambridge University Press 56-70
Le consentement à l’ acte médical: Autonomie réelle ou fictive? Panorama international (2022) Bordeaux. LEH Édition 131-141. (in French)
Hastings Centre Journal
Psychiatrie Verlag (Köln)
Leid und Unrecht. Kinder und Jugendliche in Behindertenhilfe und Psychiatrie der BRD und DDR 1949 bis 1990 [Suffering and injustice. Children and Adolescents in Disability Assistance and Psychiatry in the FRG and GDR 1949 to 1990]. Eds. Heiner Fangerau et al.) Psychiatrie Verlag (Köln), 216–268
Intersections: East European Journal of Society and Politics
David Orentlicher and Tamara K. Hervey (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Health Law
German History
Baeva, Vihra and Angelina Ilieva (Eds.): Ethnology and Epidemics. Sociocultural Dimensions of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Sofia: Prof. Marin Drinov Publishing House of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (in Bulgarian)
Aging Studies, Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag In: Bulgarian Ethnology (in Bulgarian).
(OUP, Oxford, New York)
Medicine and Law
Tibor Várady, Miodrag Jovanović (eds.) Human Rights in the 21st Century (The Hague: Eleven)
Pravni zapisi
Schmidt, U., Frewer, A., Sprumont, D. (eds.), Ethical Research: The Declaration of Helsinki—Past, Present and Future of Human Experimentation (Oxford, New York, OUP).
Schmidt, U., Frewer, A., Sprumont, D. (eds.), Ethical Research: The Declaration of Helsinki—Past, Present and Future of Human Experimentation (Oxford, New York, OUP)
Schmidt, U., Frewer, A., Sprumont, D. (eds.), Ethical Research: The Declaration of Helsinki—Past, Present and Future of Human Experimentation (Oxford, New York, OUP)
Schmidt, U., Frewer, A., Sprumont, D. (eds.), Ethical Research: The Declaration of Helsinki—Past, Present and Future of Human Experimentation (Oxford, New York, OUP)
McGrath, D., Project Cleansweep – Beyond the Post-Military Landscape of the United Kingdom, stand-alone essay (Kehrer Verlag)
Psychiatrie in der DDR. Beiträge zur Geschichte 2 [Psychiatry in the GDR. Historical studies]. Ekkehardt Kumbier und Kathleen Haack. be.bra Wissenschaftsverlag: Berlin
Gesnerus, 244–278
The Cambridge Handbook of New Human Rights. Cambridge University Press
Historische Anthropologie, 296-309
Sofia: Riva/CAS (in Bulgarian)
Aging Studies, vol. 19,
Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, 2021,
386 pp., €45 (paperback),
ISBN: 978-3-8376-4554-5.
Aspasia. V. 16. Issue 1. 220 – 223.
Balkanistic Forum
Issues 3
163 – 190
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The Cambridge Handbook of Information Technology, Life Sciences and Human Rights eds: Cambridge. Cambridge University Press 56-70
Le consentement à l’ acte médical: Autonomie réelle ou fictive? Panorama international (2022) Bordeaux. LEH Édition 131-141. (in French)
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